auto 2004-06-19 02:07 I am a bit biased i guess because i was using blackbox on linux years ago. When i started using windows on one of my machines i found litestep and was always trying to mimic bb. With multiple workspaces and the midclick tasks menu i have no trouble at all getting my work done. But to each his own i guess, my only thought is if people wanted to create large interfaces they should use litestep which is much more suited to that style of interface.
looper 2004-06-19 01:20 It's interesting you brought that up, auto; I was just thinking how it seemed most people use a taskbar (Windows-style) with their *box shell, but it looks from your screenshots that you don't. Does this work well for you? I was trying out the "classic" way to use blackbox (no taskbar, just toolbar + Workspaces menu) and the main thing that kept me from seeing if I could get used to it was no icons in the Icons menu...it took a really long time to figure out what was what. I'm just curious; not taking sides. :P
Nightbreed 2004-06-19 01:17 Thanks sMs. The whole who does what is the part that's gotten out of hand. It's just amazing how many people think they know what's best for "everyones" computer needs based on how they use theirs. People need to just use their computer and let others use their own. I don't care what you use, sidebars, nobars, whatever. Just stop thinking you are going to convince people to do things your way
AJ 2004-06-18 23:04 I guess for myself (and I don't dare speak for all sidebar makers) it is all about the process of making the sidebar, not as much the ned product. I like editing the scripts to see what is possible. With Memshrink I have seen very little bloat, but my bar isnt very elaborate. I guess for me BB is as much about choice and using an interface that I configure myself :)
auto 2004-06-18 22:40 Yeah like i said i didnt mean to offend anyone, but i think that the box shells in general need to get back to thier roots.
sMs 2004-06-18 21:57 relax man... if u like sidebar.. make one.. use it and have fun.. if u dont like it.. dont make one =D ... easy conclusion.. in my opinion.. sidebars isnt minimal.... too complex for my eyes lol.. but i like what people r doing with bbinterface.. nice works
darkmatter 2004-06-18 20:51 EEK! Longhorn...
And by the way, it's not a sidebar. It's a memory leak from Hell. :P
doctorfrog 2004-06-18 20:17 it's a fad, but a good one. once everyone else is tired of the sidebars, a better version will evolve-- all before Longhorn comes out with *it's* sidebar.
Nightbreed 2004-06-18 20:07 yeah, well, it's my computer. I decide what goes on it and what doesnt.
antibar 2004-06-18 19:41 2 words
thank you