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2004-06-19 14:17
a: the same people who are complaining about sidebars didn't mention gkrellm. b: gkrellm is a floating toolbar. c: it's about 80% smaller. d: it's in no danger of turning this site into the *BBI News and Longhorn Emulators' SS Repository. /joking on the last one

2004-06-19 14:05
What it all boils down to is who these computers belongs to. Who paid for them and who uses them. If I wanted to use litestep I would but not because some one else told me to, but because of my choice. I'll be damned if I'll let another person tell me what I can do with my computer, what I can put on it and what I can't. I wont go minimal so you people need to get over yourselves an move on with your lives. Sorry gotta put my foot down on this. A conversation about sidebars. Ridiculous

2004-06-19 13:58
Then I look at other screenshot of plugins thrown about peoples desktops. Sorry but Having plugins all over the place is just unorganized to me

2004-06-19 13:57
People dont use blackbox for sidebars. Talk about minimal and then I go back to a screenshot that had 20 some odd replys and most about gkrellm which is a sidebar. what's minimal about that?

2004-06-19 13:13
clovemagic: just playing devil's advocate. that may or may not be the case.

2004-06-19 13:01
Auto, thanks for the reply. I've never used Linux, and by the time I discovered bb4win, there were already taskbars. I liked the idea of the toolbar, but I couldn't get used to it, so I quickly ditched it. That was about...a year and a half ago? A couple days ago it hit me that toolbar + Workspaces menu = a unique GUI, just like the Windows taskbar system is unique, and the Mac OS way (and the BeOS way, the command line way, etc...) is unique. More like the Mac GUI than anything. Anyways, hmmm, I 'oughta try the toolbar + workspaces menu with multiple workspaces--I had gone back to just one workspace...that's minimal ;) ... I do agree with NC-17 that it's nice to see more of the style in the menu too.

2004-06-19 12:32
BTW, I hide my sidebar when I want it out of the way. Choice is beautiful!

2004-06-19 12:29
There is a difference between steamrolling and expressing excitement. Sidebar users may be excited about what they have been able to accomplish with BB tools. I notice that today there are 3 screenies with sb, 5 without. That's choice.

2004-06-19 10:41
although, if you're putting up a new style, i would like to see what the toolbar looks like with it :) this is a screenies site people. like them or not, when there's a style - it's either to your liking or not... and i'm always happy to get a nice style, even if it was made by a sidebar user :P

2004-06-19 10:40
what i find interesting, which no one has mentioned i think, is that people are using blackbox... but then put sidebars on to it. Theo mentioned the minimalism of memory, but i think it's more than that - a minimal interface, etc. so seeing people use blackbox for sidebars just kinda boggles my mind - what were they choosing blackbox for in the first place? anyway, i dont mind - im a very big supporter of use what you want to.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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