Theo 2004-06-22 04:31 i made a seccond bbi tuttorial look here link
s1eMeNs 2004-06-21 08:57 hi sexy thang =D
andreas 2004-06-21 06:59 hi
auto 2004-06-20 13:51 release the updated version if you want, im sure it looks better then the original(i hated that style) ;]
auto 2004-06-20 13:51 Sure you do, i lost it thats the only reason i didnt send it over.
cthu1hu 2004-06-20 13:16 I had that style, but just did a massive computer cleanup & deleted/reinstalled everything. sorry
multifate 2004-06-20 07:40 auto: i have premission right?
multifate 2004-06-20 07:40 give me a day or so guys, just so you all know i've changed some settings so it's not the same =\
inf3rnal 2004-06-20 04:26 can anyone upload autos bluegene style, he lost it in a system carsh,
multifate can you upload it plz
Nightbreed 2004-06-19 20:49 I actually saw a network van going down the street with Blackbox for a company name. Of course they spaced blackbox out