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2004-06-19 19:41
bombay sapphire.... yuppies.... :)

2004-06-19 19:25
Thanks AJ. Bombay Saphire Martini's. =)

2004-06-19 17:58
hear hear... I don't know who's buying what rounds but all of Tortugita's drinks are on me! :)

2004-06-19 17:31
I'm new to BB, a friend intro-ed me to it. I think everyone's forgotten why they use BB from the comments I've been reading....freedom. We all wanted, we all got it, but it doesn't mean we're all going to like what the "other guy" is doing. That's what freedom is...Otherwise we would all still be using MS desktop displays.

2004-06-19 17:29
What about the second?

2004-06-19 17:22
lol, yeah, I'll buy the first round..

2004-06-19 16:59
lol this is hilarious. i dont think anyone was trying to get people to change anyway. they were just expressing opinions. and any intelligent individual knows people differ with respect to opinions and that's the way it should be. my gosh people, calm down. have a beer!

2004-06-19 14:48
Hmm, I think this discussion got way out of hand... Let's just agree that some people prefer the original minimalistic style of the *box. We feel that the sheer beauty that can be achieved just by altering a simple text file is what makes the *box so special. Other people like the tweaking aspects that you get through e.g. BBInterface, which is some ways give you a bit of LiteStep's flexibility. However, where previous posters do have a point is that lately the fundamental aspect of *box design, i.e. the style, has been pushed aside in favour of BBI elements like the sidebars, with bitmaps and a lot of eye candy. This is IMHO a sad evolution, because although most (?) people can appreciate a style, only a few would want to use some other person's sidebar. Hmm, I guess I've had my fair share of airtime now, but I hope we can drop this discussion with a simple "choice is great, too much of anything is not that great"... :)

2004-06-19 14:36

2004-06-19 14:34
although longhorn is, indeed, butt ugly.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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