dejitaru 2004-06-15 13:28 Yea after reading the thread on it I realized next version....as for the source welp I don't really have any coding skill so.....main reason I asked is a) I'm not used to it and b) once my computer was slightly slow and it was a good min before reverting to the 24 hour part
Theo 2004-06-15 04:53 dejitaru: or edit the source, in the getCurrentTime procedure remove the test if the digital clock is selected...
Jeraldine 2004-06-15 04:25 anyone here ? O.o
Jeraldine 2004-06-15 04:25 hi all :)
Theo 2004-06-15 04:25 dejitaru: next version next version, that is all i have to say
cthu1hu 2004-06-14 14:35 no problem
dejitaru 2004-06-13 21:23 Ah thanks,teaches me not to read the forum.
cthu1hu 2004-06-13 19:38 oh, sorry. here's a forum entry for it..
dejitaru 2004-06-13 18:47 I understand the various format strings the question was in regards to where do ya put the format or more specific whats the rc setting for it
cthu1hu 2004-06-13 18:01 dejitaru: that info should be here