

Styles Packs


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2004-06-12 03:33
I also think it would be a great idea to have a style preview application or plugin. It shouldn't be too hard to do it right? I don't know anything about BB programming ,but it sounds a lot easier than some of the fantastic plugins that you guys have released over the past year.

2004-06-11 11:48
doctorfrog: I'll see what I can do

2004-06-11 08:29
ArthurDent: Windows doesn't support .fon through its display panel. DisplaySet will let you use them though.

2004-06-11 08:05
Pnumatics: You can delete them manually in your styles dir, or use bbLean , which lets you delete from the style menu..

2004-06-11 08:00
I have all of them in fon format, but my question is how do you make them show up in the display properties???

2004-06-11 07:15
Is there any way to get rid of duplicate styles and maybe even preview them before you apply them? I made the mistake of downloading all of the styles and now its a pain in the arse to find any one that goes with my wallpaper.

2004-06-10 22:56
After playing around with pcftofon I found it's best to just us the -p# and -o but the conversion with just those two was good

2004-06-10 22:52
chtu1hu: with pcftofon I just copied it to my system dir or anywhere that has a path set and used this switch pcftofon -p1 -m -l -o font.fon font.pcf font can be whatever.. but that basically works. Im sure you can play around with other switches at this point

2004-06-10 18:17
Just so ARCANGEL doesn't have to use anymore women as backgrounds... He is NOT GAY!!! There :)

2004-06-10 16:44
...for those of you who have missed the *box font pack -> link

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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