cthu1hu 2004-06-10 15:30 Oh, that was easy.
NC-17 2004-06-10 13:37 unfortunately this still causes the problem of messed up gelly/glisp conversions
NC-17 2004-06-10 13:16 works fine for me... eg:
pcftofon -o snap.fon snap.pcf
cthu1hu 2004-06-10 13:03 there's this pcf to fon converter, but either it doesn't work on XP, or I'm not using it right.
Stocker 2004-06-10 12:54 errr, newbie question, but how are we supposed to use those pcf files in windows?
doctorfrog 2004-06-10 12:13 Any way we can get the RSS to include a snippet of the content along with the headline?
multifate 2004-06-10 07:45 how is it platform independent? they are all pcf files
cthu1hu 2004-06-10 07:26 snap bold in the works and the newer fonts too, oh my!
dubox 2004-06-10 06:01 found new platform independent multilanguage artwiz fonts link
Theo 2004-06-10 03:14 they are work in progress so when im satisfied with it a put it on my page