dejitaru 2004-06-13 16:58 Quick question in regards to BBAnalogEX anyone know how to switch the digital clock to 12 hour time instead of 24?
multifate 2004-06-13 16:40 dang, cuz that's what i've been trying to do ;p no wonder i couldn't get anything together
Nightbreed 2004-06-13 15:47 At the moment. There is no way of doing a bunch of pictures without a mess load of buttons. But, I'll see if I can come up with something.
multifate 2004-06-13 15:43 nightbreed: that makes a sweet slideshow, but is there a way i can scroll through the images manually?
multifate 2004-06-13 15:21 got it ;p thanks again
Nightbreed 2004-06-13 15:13 Sent it again, try now
multifate 2004-06-13 15:07 nightbreed: did you send the email? i haven't gotten anything
multifate 2004-06-13 14:20 thanks ;p you and theo are the inspiration
Nightbreed 2004-06-13 14:08 No problem multifate. That is a cool sidebar by the way
multifate 2004-06-13 14:06 nightbreed: thanks i'm completely retarded when it comes to this kinda stuff 8(