Theo 2004-06-04 04:16 try clicking on the circle showing the current day
Theo 2004-06-04 04:16 I had no problems with that, maybe you just cant click the right spot
Inauro 2004-06-04 02:45 Haven't noticed any problems with the font size, but i did notice that if you set the background to full transparency that you can no longer access the config menu.
Theo 2004-06-04 02:17 multifate: coult you describe what does not work with the font siz?
NC-17 2004-06-03 20:06 1.1, link
multifate 2004-06-03 17:56 bbcalender indeed rox just wish the font size would work ;p
jeff 2004-06-03 17:50 what is the newest version of bbwinskin and where can i dl it?
C_Bass 2004-06-02 11:30 Wow, theo. BBAnalogEX was great and now you released BBCalendar which is also great. I love the ability to have the transparent backgrounds in your plugins. I wish there was that option in BBInterface. Gee, that would be great if someone got the source and implemented that. Hmm...;P
Spookster 2004-06-02 05:56 BBCalendar rocks!!!
theo 2004-06-02 04:23 BBCalendar1.0rc1 -> link
sorry for the bad url... :-(