sMs 2004-05-27 13:13 just wanna say thanx to bladestaylor... kaloth and theo.. for the latest plugins.. they r working hard to make us happy.. so big thanx guys.. btw i wanna see soon that bbcalendar theo... im sure it will be really nice
The Wizard_69 2004-05-27 09:30 Is there any plugins for blckbox that add a drop shadow to windows and menus
Stocker 2004-05-27 06:02 Well, AVG is new to me, but ZoneAlarm is cool. But McAffee is not a requirement of my own, so I will be stuck to it for a while... :(
cthu1hu 2004-05-26 18:30 AVG
cthu1hu 2004-05-26 18:29 Have you tried [ulr=link]AVG[/url] and ZoneAlarm ?
Stocker 2004-05-26 17:29 I'm using BBDDE, was using it at install time, and I wasn't using BBWinSkin. Also, I don't believe my problem is related to skinning, for McAffee refuses to startup up, even in the tray! The only way i can use it, is log off and log on a user with the ugly shell(windows...) :(
Tres`ni 2004-05-26 12:02 It's best to have BBDDE loaded when running any installer.. At other times, it's probably not nessacary, but better safe then sorry right?
C_Bass 2004-05-26 10:13 In my experience, BBWinSkin interferes with some installers and other windows for that matter. If BBWinSkin is enabled, some windows refuse to show themselves. Disable BBWin Skin to install the product, and then enable it once it has been installed. Either that or get BBLeanSkin. I have had no problems with that interfering with any windows. BBLeanSkin is near perfection.
Stocker 2004-05-26 08:41 yap, I have BBDDE, but it does nothing... :( It's a cute product, quite user-friendly! What virusscanner/firewall do you guys recommend? (simple/fast preferred, obviously!)
Nightbreed 2004-05-26 03:46 Does BBDDE screw with McAffee or is best to have it loaded when running their software? Only asking because of BBDDE being built into BBLean