auto 2004-06-27 23:26 No offense to blockhead but shouldnt there be a limit to the amount of screenshots you can post within a given period of time?
darkmatter 2004-06-27 17:24 Oh dear. It looks like sMs has contracted pixel fever. Such a terrible, sad disease. ;)
anvil 2004-06-27 16:22 eeew...no....ick...phooey...spit spit
sMs 2004-06-27 11:13 a bbcalendr option like this one would be great =D link
anvil 2004-06-27 01:22 hey theo your picture slider chooser thingamabob....can you make it so it changes pictures on a timer...like every 30 seconds?
Tres`ni 2004-06-26 15:56 Haven't heard, last I saw it was in maintence mode..
dubox 2004-06-26 15:23 what happend with fluxmod.dk ?
anvil 2004-06-26 15:16 Heh, version 5 of windows update checks your cd key against a valid one...heh my brother was very surprised...so funny
cthu1hu 2004-06-25 17:33 10 yrs of playing the geetar might make me an emacs samurai, then..
Stocker 2004-06-25 17:08 In Emacs that's the concept of buffers. Be warned that it works best with lots of finger elasticity! :)