inf3rnal 2004-07-09 06:56 @Kaloth - thx would be great
Rev 2004-07-09 04:37 this one i meant this - i hpoe that bb code was right
Rev 2004-07-09 04:34 Guys anyone know where the fun white sketched person wallpaper on the bottom row came from?
Kaloth 2004-07-08 10:43 inf: just read your posts, you can make BBmuse put "BBmuse" as it's caption. If you want I'll add an option for show nothing in the next release :)
ptyrider 2004-07-07 21:10 theo's got a tutorial for the sidebar and scripts, but clovemagic's got the best I seen so far
sadistsaint 2004-07-07 18:55 The sidebar is a configuration script written for BBInterface, a plugin for BB4Win. I haven't messed with it myself but some people have done some interesting things with it
boens 2004-07-07 18:44 black box side bar?, where can i get it, or is that the lnghorn sidebar, just modified?
Mystoz 2004-07-07 10:51 ifn now one is here mabye some one at irc can help you..
Mystoz 2004-07-07 10:50 yes?
crzyswmmr 2004-07-07 10:32 anyone here?