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2004-07-14 12:40
whats with xoblite bb2 is it still under development? when will it released?

2004-07-14 09:44
i know most of you are bb4win'rs but does anyone have the last released build of bluebox before development stopped? pls send it to me -> allucid at

cypher oxide
2004-07-13 09:35
yeah, that was getting annoying, except it crashed the whole shell for me

2004-07-13 07:36
Apparently BBWeather has a bug where it crashes if it can't connect. Haven't looked into it yet but I will soon.

cypher oxide
2004-07-13 01:13
lyrae - thought u were gonna email me??

2004-07-12 20:30
BBMail 1.0rc4 -> link

2004-07-12 15:41
For XP it's this... You need to look into CLSID numbers :) explorer.exe /root,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

cypeher oxide
2004-07-12 11:58
what do i put in my menu to open my computer, llike in the windows start menu

2004-07-11 20:32
from my experience BBweather crashes bb whenever it can't connect to whatever weather service it is trying to get info from. This could be because the svc file is not configured properly (as in make sure it is correct before loading the plugin) or the Internet connection goes down. Best not to have it loaded all the time if you are on dial-up. Or if my ISP is having problems conecting for whatever excuse it can throw at me. Just my experience, results may vary

2004-07-11 19:24
your wrong it does cause mine kept crashing and i fixed it and guess what no more crash :)

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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