meanmechanics 2009-12-12 06:32 it's a real pin in the arse >-( only time in the year that I hate evry child on this planet!! Also a pain in purse!
Meanmechanics 2009-12-12 06:28 me neither! :-D !
I've on a tiny island with full of tropical colors but every year that horrible santa thing colors my island in red. If I were younger I think I get a gang to paint everything santa dark with a Jason mask
cthu1hu 2009-12-12 06:20 pin == pain
cthu1hu 2009-12-12 06:20 We did a release one year, and it was a pin. I'm not really a fan of xmas colors or themes..
Meanmechanics 2009-12-11 22:33 could be fun to have some lovecraft x-mas or zen x-mas. I mean far from the commercial concept of christmas something more personnal...
cthu1hu 2009-12-11 16:34 I think a few times
Meanmechanics 2009-12-11 14:13 is there a special X-mas uploading tradition here on boxshots?
thewayofzen 2009-12-08 03:23 feel free to use anything of mine that you want meanmechanics. it would be nice to see how things turn out.
auto 2009-12-07 10:52 I didn't mean to imply that I question the nudity rule. I just wanted to type bare posterior.
Meanmechanics 2009-12-07 04:58 Henning is really awesome! I'm using one of his work as background! together with giger and ryohei hase he's certainly the artist that inspire me best