Phosphoer 2009-11-20 23:16 Wow, I FINALLY got a comment approved o.0
doctorfrog 2009-11-20 11:12 I use the last freeware version of FSCapture before it went shareware. link
cthu1hu 2009-11-20 05:41 like ye old trusty ctrl+prtsc? faststone guy has one, but it isn't freeware
meanmechanics 2009-11-20 05:09 the image viewer but what about the image capture?
cthu1hu 2009-11-19 17:23 Wow, nice..
doctorfrog 2009-11-19 16:42 hey cth, latest version of Fastone Image Viewer has less annoying skins. You can even delete the skins completely and it'll mostly default to your existing colors.
meanmechanics 2009-11-19 13:02 has anyone tried Utbox on Vista? While on the forums (that forum is so big that i doubt being able to read everything one day) I stumble on it. though i'm allergic to anything that looks like windows desktop I would like to give it a try..
cthu1hu 2009-11-19 07:54 I'd give bb4win_mod a shot link
cthu1hu 2009-11-19 07:53 I don't know which one for sure, but I hear that the versions that work on vista also work on 7.
Reverend 2009-11-19 06:35 So. I haven't even dropped by the LitB forums in ages. Is there any version of BB4Win that work on Win7?