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2009-11-18 15:50
I wish someone would take up bbicons, make it work and give it text labels, but that not likely to happen.

2009-11-18 03:45
In fact I know another ʎɐʍ to do it, much simpler in fact, with bbinterface but like i said somewhere I'm lazy + I like trying new things...waiting for those pixmaps with impatience

2009-11-17 12:53
"canter" being Swahili for center

2009-11-17 12:47
hmmm.. that could be done with rocketdock, and i think object dock can space the icons pretty far to the canter of the screen

2009-11-17 12:25
take a look at this: link At first i thought it was a dock but when Kovacsciprian told me what it was I went berserk trying!

2009-11-17 12:21
that's what i was saying to myself! though Idesk can look more like docks, but imagine a dock that is in the center of the screen and you'll get my point of view

2009-11-17 10:02
you mean icons on the desktop? it's unlikely.

2009-11-16 15:50
I forgot to add: apart from unkamunka and grischka (bblean & bb4win_mod)! though am quite new to box but when i roam in the forums i can see that there are less people interested in developing. Do you (unkamunka or anyone) that we'll be able to see apps like idesk build especially(plugins) for bb4win?

2009-11-16 10:42
some of the BB2 ideas will be in the next release of bb4win_mod

2009-11-16 05:25
bb4win seem to be on falling curve... :-( hope it will never be a dead project like so many others

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