cthu1hu 2009-12-14 08:01 Especially when the nation in question has oil.
meanmechanics 2009-12-13 13:41 :-D the US has their hands in almost everything from the 18th century. In fact our history mention trade agreements between Mauritius administration (Brit and French) that dates back to this period. Until now our diplomacy is always managing trade agreements with the US on third party fabrics etc. The Diego Garcia story and history is a long debate. The Chagosians made a wrong choice in accepting UK's compensations and Mauritius politics is always to keep the islands as spare trade tool...Politics, politics
cthu1hu 2009-12-13 10:26 Sounds like the US has had their hands in it as well.
meanmechanics 2009-12-13 00:01 Yeah, same for all ex-brit colony, the British always leave a foot print wherever they go!
snkmchnb 2009-12-12 17:02 sorry about the interuption, folks. not sure who or what happened but i've got it up and running again.
cthu1hu 2009-12-12 09:10 Interesting history it has. Lots of win.
meanmechanics 2009-12-12 07:26 Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean (Have you've heard about Diego Garcia? It's Mauritian Territory leased by the English to the American Government during the cold war and an anti terrorist platform)
cthu1hu 2009-12-12 06:37 What island is that?
meanmechanics 2009-12-12 06:32 it's a real pin in the arse >-( only time in the year that I hate evry child on this planet!! Also a pain in purse!
Meanmechanics 2009-12-12 06:28 me neither! :-D !
I've on a tiny island with full of tropical colors but every year that horrible santa thing colors my island in red. If I were younger I think I get a gang to paint everything santa dark with a Jason mask