cthu1hu 2009-12-24 08:01 awesome
meanmechanics 2009-12-24 04:46 happy...christmas..link
AlmostX 2009-12-24 04:09 Merry Christmas..
cthu1hu 2009-12-23 12:25 Merrrrrry Christmas to boxshots, or Happy Solstice to you heathens.
meanmechanics 2009-12-22 21:17 ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Thanks, thanks, thanks,thanks,thanks!!!!! Been looking for this for days!!!!!! Boxcore don't work properly with bbstylemaker 1.31 and always thought that another version might work better...and this does better better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cthu1hu 2009-12-21 13:21 here's 1.2
meanmechanics 2009-12-21 13:05 I remember seeing a post somewherw, more exactly an image, of this version of bbstylemaker...but can't find it anymore.
cthu1hu 2009-12-21 08:24 bbstylemaker can switch between literals and hex, or it used to do that.
unkamunka 2009-12-20 22:59 free font every month link
meanmechanics 2009-12-20 07:25 link