cthu1hu 2010-03-16 08:08 It's a standalone app. It's pretty cool though.
qwilk 2010-03-16 07:23 What's that cth? A launcher plugin for *box?
cthu1hu 2010-03-14 16:21 2nd try link
cthu1hu 2010-03-14 16:20 he's coding toolbox to resemble my mockup. nice link
meanmechanics 2010-03-07 00:16 Yeah! I think that's why I'm not yet a Nobel prize winner (you too) One of my teacher said that I was half way from from a genius, an idiot, a dyslexic and mere lazyness...^^ whatever it can mean...
cthu1hu 2010-03-06 16:58 you're almost as absent minded as I am, lol.
meanmechanics 2010-03-06 13:59 IT!
meanmechanics 2010-03-06 13:55 THEM! '^^
meanmechanics 2010-03-06 13:54 :-D Yeah, yeah! that's why I didn't post theme here!!! But When grandma's not here...
cthu1hu 2010-03-05 16:44 I've got some Palahniuk "tour stories" with him reading. Some of them aren't for grandma.