meanmechanics 2010-03-26 12:43 Nice change from the last toolbox!!
cthu1hu 2010-03-24 16:01 the beta of toolbox has been released link
cthu1hu 2010-03-18 19:28 search the forum for webwidget
toasterpastries 2010-03-18 16:54 looking for something that can display and refresh an image or HTML in a frame, like old Active Desktop.
cthu1hu 2010-03-17 16:21 sorry: link
qwilk 2010-03-17 13:49 ...URL?
cthu1hu 2010-03-17 13:45 Yep, it's an app launcher, but with some unique features that aren't in any of the docks.
qwilk 2010-03-17 11:42 cth: Can you explain what it does? Just a simple app launcher? Doesn't look too hard to replicate in a *box plugin... (not saying I will do it, just a comment =) )
qwilk 2010-03-17 11:40 Hmm, 7 out of 12 screenshots by the same author can't be a good sign of activity...
meanmechanics 2010-03-16 14:32 Tried it once but was buggy as hell. looks nice! may be going to give it a try on xp