meanmechanics 2010-06-13 02:39 still getting the same message when I try to upload something: Database insertion error. Please try again later.
Very peculiar
meanmechanics 2010-06-12 11:18 getting some prob to upload...
monkiboi 2010-06-08 13:02 link
meanmechanics 2010-06-08 07:53 iF YOU EVER FIND CAN YOU POST A LINK? trying some new things with some vs
monkiboi 2010-06-07 17:30 bbclean did split gradients iirc
cthu1hu 2010-06-07 10:43 yeah. there's some bugs in bbmien though. still looking for the right mod..
meanmechanics 2010-06-07 08:29 wasn't it 7.11 ? Remember you were asking for some transparencies.... :-) just google it up!! mod and mien 7.11... but I guess you've done it too
doctorfrog 2010-06-06 18:02 no, i think it was bbleanmod or somesuch...
cthu1hu 2010-06-05 17:45 does vanilla bblean 1.17 support split gradients? can't remember and can't find info on it.
meanmechanics 2010-06-01 05:46 link