meanmechanics 2010-02-26 02:22 ...when deep-space exploitation ramps up, it will probably be the megatonic corporations that discover all the new planets and map them. The IBM Stellar Sphere. The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet Denny's. Every planet will take on the corporate identity of whoever rapes it first. Budweiser World. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
meanmechanics 2010-02-19 03:45 wanna see somethin' funny? link
meanmechanics 2010-02-17 12:13 yeah! xcept i use paint.net... :-( but very nice link Drfrog
cthu1hu 2010-02-16 16:09 That Adobe Kuler things is nice.
doctorfrog 2010-02-16 02:02 smashing magazine on color theory link
meanmechanics 2010-02-05 05:17 :-) been away too long!
OpieTheRipper 2010-02-04 20:54 I got your back. (And a list of adjectives)
cthu1hu 2010-02-04 19:18 now there's an adjective I've haven't formally received.
OpieTheRipper 2010-02-04 16:09 Thanks for being sexy.
cthu1hu 2010-02-04 12:09 deleted