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2005-04-01 20:59
making a style for a wallpaper is challenging... cuz u need to make the style matches the wallpaper.. like husband and woman... is not just question of picking one color the colros from the wallpaper and putting them on the style... thats tough,,, u need to decide the gradient... the texture... rasied or flat.. or sunken... BUt when u do a bsetroot background.. thisis not challenging.. u can change anything ... and also u can change the bsetrrot to match the style.... for me creatign styles for wallpapers is much creative , challenging and more sexy

2005-04-01 13:58
All hail teh allmighty blackbox!

2005-04-01 11:33
I am struck by the contrast in some very fine styles we have seen this week. Whether sleek over a bsetroot background or deeply textured with an amazing interface, they are testimony to what can be done within Blackbox's parameters. Cool.

2005-04-01 07:42
Oh yeah! Right! I knew that.... Honest! ... I was, uhh. Just testing you.. Yeah, that's it.

2005-04-01 07:33
Rev, dude, we dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- Japanese cities, not Chinese :).

2005-03-31 12:59
Ah get born, keep warm, short pants, romance, learn to dance, get dressed, get blessed, try to be a success, please her, please him, buy gifts, don't steal, don't lift, twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift. Look out kid, they keep it all hid. ya better jump down a manhole 'n light yourself a candle, don't wear sandals, try to avoid the scandals, don't wanna be a bum you better chew gum. The pump don't work 'cause the vandal took the handle - Dylan... Subterranean Homesick Blues

2005-03-31 10:52
HI! there's a way to synchronize the BBInterface icon saturation with the toolbar one?

2005-03-31 10:01
Who knows, maybe I can offend a few Chinese people at the same time. We did drop to nuclear bombs on them, after all.

2005-03-31 10:00
Well, let's see here. I've offended some people by posting a stle with a rebel flag wallpaper, I've offended others by posting a style with an inverted pentagram, and then there's the style that finds itself to be the current source offense. What next? Go to Disneyland? Nahh. I'll do a style with an American flag as a wall, and offend all the Iraqi Blackbox users! Ha!

phryne lorry
2005-03-31 06:56
Sorry em999, I understand your concerns, but the ss has been up for quite awhile, the symbol is a mod of something that appears in history books and dozens of Hollywood films. I'm not supporting the Nazi cause and I don't discount the things they did. I agree with C_Bass that maybe your concerns should have been directed to the mods or to Rev. Obviously I do not agree that images should be censored in the off chance that a few people might be offended (people don't have to look, and they can always refresh teh page), but obviously you were offended and I should have been sensitive to that. I am sorry.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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