

Styles Packs


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2005-04-03 17:31
i wont say anything to u again... lol

2005-04-03 17:30
is he mad? lol

2005-04-03 17:05
damn im slow when im tired.. "if my styles dont speak" blah blah.

2005-04-03 16:35
sms: Id like to say im sorry if you styles dont speak to you but honestly im not. Im gonna side with freeborn on this one. I make styles for myself and i upload them for the exact same reason free does. Ive already been told about how muddled and horrible my styles are.. and ive had one person go as far as calling me the antichrist. but i also get an average of 8 to 10 emails a week asking questions about how to set things up like in my screenshots or praising my styles. When it comes down to any of it.. i have ZERO styles on my machine hat were dont by anyone other then me. Im the first one to admit that often its the colors that are different and the format thats always the same in my work. Heck ive mentioned it on more then one occasion. But i think u can say the same of Pitkon and Inauro.. and.. and.. Its easily explained. PERSONAL STYLE. its like a tv show.. if u dont like it change the channel.

2005-04-03 01:50
you guys got me fired up to make a style. so my VERY FIRST BSETROOT WALL STYLE is on it's way. enjoy =D

2005-04-02 18:03
Well, I'll have to disagree somewhat with myself... I know what your saying as I have created walls specifically for my own styles. I post very few of those styles (like none) as I am either unwilling to make the wall public domain or distributing it would infringe upon the IP of someone elses work that I have modified. But as far as the context of a Community Challenge or rating a style on it's own merits, I'll stick to my original position... the style is what is what can be contained intirely within the ASCII file. Just my opinion :)

2005-04-02 13:35
Everyone please comment: link

2005-04-02 12:35
I second that, Freeborn. Well, partially at least. ~chuckle~ Either I make the style solely for my own use, or I find a wall that would make a nice basis for a style. Either way.. it's for my own personal gratification.. not everyone else's approval.

2005-04-02 12:15
crowmag: while your points are valid, I disagree for a very simple reason: I design styles for my own use. I design them for that specific point in time, with that wallpaper. Thus, worrying about how the look with bsetroot or on other computers is not really a priority, I merely publish them so that if others wish they can use them.

2005-04-02 10:29
cthuihu style examples: link link link here examples from the_wyzard_69 link link link

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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