

Styles Packs


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2005-04-05 10:43
Iconbox doesn't work for me... I get a window class error message... I run BBLean 1.13b6 under Windows XP Pro on a 64 bit Athlon... Never had probs with plugins before...

2005-04-05 10:05
bbIconBox link

2005-04-04 21:03

2005-04-04 19:09
Soon time to have a new style archive zip :P

2005-04-04 15:44
GWJ Mateo: agreed. Sms: you are taking it the wrong way. I meant no offensive strike in your general direction. When it comes to the blackbox community im neutral/cool with everyone here save one person..

GWJ Mateo
2005-04-04 11:10
Can't we all just get along?

2005-04-03 21:43
I've been using the same style for the past 4 months now. ~chuckle, shrug~ .. and yes, it is one of my own. Heh.

2005-04-03 18:40
still mad and freaky =D lol

2005-04-03 17:50
i wasnt mad nor did i say so. Anyone who got that impression is jumping to conclusions. I was merely saying a point. Use my styles.. DONT use my styles.. hate them.. dont hate them. Whatever floats your boat. I was just trying to say that anything u had said .. about how u think i dont match or whatever is nothing compared to what others have said about me being the antichrist or eluding that my work is a plague on the community. :)

2005-04-03 17:34
Recent chatbox activity has inspired a poll: What kind of *box Stylist are you? link

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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