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2005-04-02 10:24
also... in my opinion.. pliz people dont hate me... about the wallpaper selection... im looking at the screenshots to my left... 16 screenshots.... 90% of the wallpaper r just ugly... pliz dont hate me... to succed creating a nice style.. u have to choose a better wallpaper.., a sexy one (plis i dont wanna get banned) im saying this...saying thisfor the better of the stylers.. to be honest.. i dont download much styles from them.. i mean NONE.... the last style i kept from heere is one of thewayofrozen.. called MUKOUZUNE very nice style... (everything goes well between the styel and the walllapper) it goes well the raised and sunken textures... if u wanna see realla ncie styles u should look for ... cthu1hu and the_wyzard_69.... PEACE!

2005-04-02 10:08
@thwwasyofrozen: look its not about picking the colors and puting them into the style... thats dumn... the real thjing is that u have to MAKE THEM ONE! the style + the wallpaper.... look... in my opinion... u do really nice styles.... BUT i think u r missing something important... u always using sunken and raised textures... but most of the time those textures don go well with ur walllpaper selection... like i said before... this is like a couple... female and male... u have to make them look good together.. in harmony... (like i said is my opinion)

2005-04-02 06:38
M4uR1g10: you could do it by having BBC(K)ontrollor read a *.TXT file containing a list of bro@ms for both bbInterface and Blackbox... In your menu, turn on "Show Bro@ms" to see the bro@ms you will need to issue.

2005-04-02 06:20
Regardless of whether or not it is harder to create a style using a pre-existing wall or just going it alone with a bsetroot, the "strength" of a style can only be determined by removing the wallpaper (if it has one) and creating a besetroot for the style. If the wall is propping up the style, it will be quite clear when you do so. This is part of the reasoning I had for submitting a rule to the "Community Style Challenges" thread here: link Personally, I feel that the bsetroot style ~is~ the style... the added wallpaper is just the clothes you put on it.

2005-04-02 05:43
Do any of you guys know if there is a way to specify the size of the output image when saving an image with the bsetroot command switches? I hope somebody understands what I'm talking about. I know this is a pretty strange question... :P

2005-04-02 04:53
A little question about BBInterface...there's a way to create a button that hides the sidebar and automatically sets new desktop margins?

2005-04-02 03:45
Hmm... maybe you guys should just agree to disagree. I have seen this topic come and go countless times on this chatbox. There is no real way to determine who is right. There are just some aspects in styling that are difficult for bsetroot styles and then there are other aspects that are difficult for wallpaper based styles. I personally could care less what kind of background a style author used when creating a style. It really just matters if all the colors of the style look good together. I'd say the majority of styles downloaded by the end user have their backgrounds customized anyway.

2005-04-02 02:50
I agree with twoz, it's much harder to make a style with a bsetroot than picking a wallpaper to go with it. Most of the time, you'd be choosing a really spiffy wallpaper, which will in itself attract the interrest of the potential user. With a bsetroot background you do not have this luxury, so the style has to attract attention on its own merits.

2005-04-01 22:35
sms: im going to have to disagree with your statement. cause honestly i think it takes alot more effort to create a style from scratch and have the colours find that perfect balance where they work on their own and then set a bsetroot that just sets it off. NC's latest style is a perfect example of how brilliant a bsetroot style can be. Compared to someone who sits there using a color picker saying .. this goes here.. this goes here.. that goes there. (im sure we have all done it.. noone will admit though).. but in all honesty an experienced style maker can look at a wall and just see the style right away.. someone back me up on this..

2005-04-01 21:03
anyways.. thats me... about the sidebars... i hate the,m... well i like the lil sidebar like thewayofreozen does,,,, but the big ones... AGH... sorry to the users who love the big sidebars... and sometimes big gradients is just UGLY... sometimes... but most of the time... welll PEACE =D

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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