phryne lorry 2005-03-25 07:05 snkmchnb: styles feed is broken again, sorry!
phryne lorry 2005-03-25 07:04 I think walls have a lot to do with drawing attn when brwsing thumbs. U can't really see the style at that size, so the wall sells it. Sometimes i create a bsetroot bg or replace teh wall if i like teh style but not teh wall. A good bsetroot can be just as exprssive as a well chosen wall, and is usually less distracting. Styles married to a spcific wall are nice, but waht do u do when wall dosn't really match or wall isn't available? Then teh style is not so usable.
d1pr3d 2005-03-25 02:09 gm, thewayofzen, you are right.. wpaper must suit style, and stye must suit wpaper. wpaper makes style more expressive, for example some styles wouldn`t look so beautifully if they hawn`t wpaper they have on a screenshot. and one more thing - somebody is a wpaper fan and likes to get some uncommon walls in his /hdd ^__^
auto 2005-03-25 00:40 I agree with you there, ive seen some styles that i thought were awesome just fly under the radar due to the lack of a flashy wall to go with it.
thewayofzen 2005-03-24 23:55 Another questions..
how many style authors feel as though sometimes.. positive comments they get are more because of the wallpaper then the style itself. I just seem to notice.. after 119 styles that some of the styles im most proud of are bsetroots that barely anyone notices.. and i wonder perhaps if this is because the lack of a snazzy wall to draw a mouse click out of someone might be to blame... anyone else agree? when u look at a style .. i can understand it being a combination of style AND wall.. but surely im not the only one who sometimes thinks some really good styles get overlooked
thewayofzen 2005-03-24 23:45 im with pretty much everyone. honestly it would be cool to have a mention in the credit. but if one of my styles is a little responsible for one more person deciding to take an active roll in the community and start making their own.. its a worthy sacrifice.. acknowlegement or not.
snkmchnb 2005-03-24 22:56 clovemagic: agreed :)
clovemagic 2005-03-24 22:00 thewayofzen: Personally, I would consider it an honor if someone wanted to mod a style of mine.
sMs 2005-03-24 21:21 still nice... u r making this blackbox family bigger CLAP CLAP
thewayofzen 2005-03-24 21:13 119 actually im a dumbass and cant count