ttandej 2009-05-01 20:56 lol
feautre 2009-05-01 20:30 that = dedication
thewayofzen 2009-05-01 19:55 want things done SUPER FAST.. hit me up with an email and ill give ya my number you can txt my nerdy ass to have things approvaed quicker :)
cthu1hu 2009-05-01 17:16 ...or retroactive modding after the fact, is what I meant.
ttandej 2009-05-01 17:09 Thanks for the prompt replies. I just like to see my work on display ;)
cthu1hu 2009-05-01 16:37 Last two times I subbed it took about two days. ;) The script should email you upon new subs (they should do away with modding entirely, to be totally frank).
thewayofzen 2009-05-01 15:09 its never really a few days lately it just depends on how often a day i can check the sight.. usually i manage about 3 times a day but will always take a peak if you email me at thewayofzen@gmail.com then i can check it whenever you like as long as the email gets to me on my blackberry
ttandej 2009-05-01 12:12 Thanks, didn't want to resubmit.
cthu1hu 2009-05-01 11:27 it takes the mod(s) a few days to approve a sub sometimes.
ttandej 2009-05-01 09:54 Hmmm... what happened to my latest shot? submitted yesterday. Should I resubmit? :(