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2009-04-20 03:35
@feautre its likely for a reason we dont ban people on a whim. It seems you cant understand why and rather then asking that very question you leave us asking our own.. IF YOU DONT CARE TO POST WHY BOTHER US HERE ANNOUNCING IT.

2009-04-19 19:57
guess you were talking about boxshots the first time? Uhg.

2009-04-19 19:52
this is the second time you've said you're banned from lostinthebox.

2009-04-19 17:32
cant post @ lostinthebox not sure i care to

2009-04-18 15:45
joey: Not possible. kana developed it to have no icons.

2009-04-18 02:36
hey guys, just a quick question: did anyone by now figure out how to put icons into bbtaskswitch? thanks.

2009-04-17 17:51
You can be a hothead? I think i have you beat there, heh. Well, he said he was banned at the forum, so I'm not sure what he was talking about. Seems to be settled though.

2009-04-17 14:34
excuse me.. to clarify that story.. another person uploaded identical images.. thats my bad it wasnt both him. both recieved identical messages the other uploader however got the point. /end rant

2009-04-17 14:33
@cthu1hu in the admin section of boxshots he had submitted his two screenshots. one was uploaded three times.. only one of which had a proper image attached the other two were just blank and likely a system error or the wrong format. the other one was two duplicate versions of the same submission. again maybe it was a system glitch maybe he didnt know it wouldnt show up right away.. i dont know. either way i declined the extra ones with a simple message of it being "duplicate screenshot" or something completely bland. no accusations were made and we all know how hot headed i can be around here when im being lame myself. dudes just looking for attention and drama. this aint 90210.

2009-04-17 04:16
So it was here and not the forum?

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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