feautre 2009-04-14 18:12 i've been accused of spamming! the nerve!!!!!!!!!!one
feautre 2009-04-14 18:11 im banned from lostinthebox! :'(
doctorfrog 2009-04-14 10:47 thanks, cthu1hu, i'll check it out.
cthu1hu 2009-04-14 10:15 I think webwidget would be your only option.
smartypants 2009-04-14 07:53 youre welcome glad i could help. asshole
doctorfrog 2009-04-13 21:54 sure is a great plugin, that photoshop. jackass.
smartypants 2009-04-13 20:05 yeah its called photoshop
doctorfrog 2009-04-12 12:36 is there a plugin that will let me put some decorative, outlined text on the desktop, with no background, and an outline?
cthu1hu 2009-04-07 16:39 always wondered what became of that survey. think that whole site dropped off the map shortly thereafter..
looper 2009-04-05 18:03 Hi All, some years ago I was semi/active around here. I started a survey about bb4win flavors but it was too much for me and I stopped posting to bb4win sites. My apologies to all who took the time to take the survey. I've been using bblean again & enjoying it. My apologies again and hi to all.