looper 2009-04-24 16:46 a random search for 'bblean' at youtube is interesting. one hit was to this window manager for xp that is like dwm for linux: link
feautre 2009-04-23 20:19 resolved
feautre 2009-04-23 14:09 the multiple file rejections here trigged a 3rd party spam filtering service @ lostinthebox that prevented me from posting there.
cthu1hu 2009-04-23 13:27 So you posted duplicate screenshots here, which was a problem zen fixed, which made you think you were banned at LitB. And now you are, because I tried to fix a nonexistent problem there.
feautre 2009-04-23 11:42 to clarify, i was flagged for spamming and im not allowed to post at lostinthhbox. im not sure where or why the spam flag was given me. no big deal.
cthu1hu 2009-04-23 05:48 Guess he originally meant he was banned here, which isn't possible, so I don't know what he was talking about.
cthu1hu 2009-04-23 05:46 feautre said he was banned from lostinthebox (search his name here for his original post), so I went there and added his name, IP to the exclusion list. It seems he's banned there now and I don't have privileges to remove names and IPs from the list.
unkamunka 2009-04-23 05:39 @feautre - r us saying your ban from LitB was for posting that tetris link?
feautre 2009-04-20 16:40 thewayofzen im saying dont bother removing the flag
feautre 2009-04-20 16:36 no cthu1hu i can upload styles and wallpapers but @ lostinthebox my ip is flagged for spamming.