User |
Pitkon |
Notes |
This is a work... well, in the works... A new desktop experiment, a port of Dangeruss' Lambda Tauri for Hoverdesk to Blackbox with Dangeruss' permission. Heavily based on bbinterface, as can be seen, it includes graphical shortcuts for just about everything I need. The wharf on top left corner is completely functional - even the center image is a bbi switch. Far for complete yet, it needs lots of tweaking... |
Shell |
Style |
Lambda Tauri by Pitkon |
Wallpaper |
Lambda Tauri by dangeruss |
Pitkon, you have outdone yourself. I have wanted to try constructing a more graphical bbi interface, but I haven't taken the time to do it. Clearly, you are the expert. ~Cheers~ |
Howdy Pitkon, relatively newbie here. I see what apears to be multiamp inside either a BBInterface frame that has the size changed. How do you do that? |
I think BB are getting there |
I mean out of the box |
round corners |
round corners |
Thanx so much, clove! I try... I'm sure u will do great if u set ur mind to it, if I am to judge by ur excellent styles. BigDaddy: I'm not sure what u mean. Care to e-mail me? Ser: Hush, no need to break the news yet... :D |
Plus, kudos should go to dangeruss - he is the one who created the wonderful art. All I do is use it and tweak elements a bit to Blackbox' requirements... OK, find colors that fit, too... :D |
The reason for trunkated is that I write something then, I read I found that must put something more and so on. I didn't know BBIntterface could have such transparencys.
It's not ready yet. That's the main reason I can't use it in all elements. |
So you mean that wharf is entirely bbInterface and it is using round corners? Or are you saying that is a new version of bbInterface with background transparency?
Anyway, it is a wicked style :) |
The wharf IS entirely bbinterface, but the screenshot is a mix of the old and new. The main background, top left, is part of the wall. The new bbi version is under construction. Thanx for the thumbs up for the style! :) |