Jesterace 2003-09-28 13:42 Ok we're broked :P
Tres`ni 2003-09-27 01:20 And we're back online...
cthu1hu 2003-09-24 21:29 that worked well..
cthu1hu 2003-09-24 21:28 a few styles - link
owl 2003-09-21 03:36 thanx :)
Stocker 2003-09-20 15:04 nop, I just used the new SDK released by grischka, modified the dll exports to include slit support (using the bb-slitplugin.def), and the 'make' automagically did the rest ;)
Tres`ni 2003-09-20 12:42 Stocker: You didn't per chance put together something that we could pointo ther people to who are interested in using MinGW did ya?
owl 2003-09-20 10:38 i've made a new button thingie for my site. so feel free to update it :)
Stocker 2003-09-19 18:58 quilk: i've found the source of my probs with the slit: wasn't exporting all of the needed functions! It's all working good, now - with mingw ;)
Stocker 2003-09-19 15:23 quilk: what if I want to make the plugin Slittable via a menu, what function should I use? the Slit example from bb4win doesn't work for me in xoblite :(