Stocker 2003-09-18 15:42 ironhead hasn't answered me yet, but grischka has released a new SDK to bb4win with support to mingw (i tested, it runs the example!) I hope it's easy to port to xoblite!
qwilk 2003-09-18 02:54 ...afai recall ironhead uses mingw for iShell, maybe you could ask him? (let me know what the answer is please )
Tres`ni 2003-09-17 20:10 Just try it and see what happens :-P If you check MinGW's page it probably has links to any extras you might need..
Stocker 2003-09-17 15:36 Shame... I'd really like to compile and produce some plugins I had in mind, but MSVS is such a big fella for a 200k project! :)
qwilk 2003-09-17 15:04 Oops, I meant "you would NOT be able to"... =]
qwilk 2003-09-17 15:03 Stocker: ...hmm, someone told me you would be able to link a mingw plugin to a MSVC .lib. Haven't tested it myself though... :)
Stocker 2003-09-17 09:39 From what i saw, it only takes an utility that mimics the "Export to Makefile" of Dev. Studio... If anyone knows it, please tell me! :)
sMs 2003-09-17 09:25 is xbolite rc2 coming out soon?
Tres`ni 2003-09-17 09:14 Stocker: You could try, will probably require some code tweaking but it shouldn't be impossible
Jesterace 2003-09-17 07:41 Hmm... No idea really, I'm not much of a coder yet :(