iridium 2003-10-03 08:18 leave the master working in silence..
iridum 2003-10-03 08:16 the master is working..
Mystoz 2003-10-01 11:57 sMs ask the master qwilk ;)!
sMs 2003-10-01 09:34 anyone knows when the new xoblite release will be out?
sMs 2003-10-01 08:02 =( i hop inthe future release =(
qwilk 2003-10-01 02:44 sMs: You can temporarily move the xoblite slit using Ctrl+Drag, however the position will not be saved (maybe in a future release).
Tres`ni 2003-09-30 19:44 sMs: You already asked once, wait for a reply.. Using BBSlit you can't so either ya have to wait for something else or accept that answer :-P
sMs 2003-09-30 19:41 im using xoblite. i wanna know how to put my slit anywhere i want. cuz i dont wanna put it on top center, but anywhere. =(
sryo 2003-09-30 18:30 sending you a mail
sryo 2003-09-30 18:10 not here,i can see this site but not the main crackmonkey.us on firebird (works on iexplore and safari)