sMs 2003-10-05 18:37 They are nice dude, you should upload the styles along with them :)
sMs 2003-10-05 16:48 ey ppl, hop u enjoy my screenshots, TE AMO ANGELA
sMs 2003-10-05 11:15 i really love cpick
sMs 2003-10-04 19:15 thanx dd mmmm can i use the blackbox.exe laest build for xoblite?
dd 2003-10-04 15:16 can't beat cpic:
Tres`ni 2003-10-04 14:07 sMs: Link posted by evolve should work.. Had to fix the formatting
sMs 2003-10-04 13:30 thanx owl and evolve. i would like better colorpad cus is smaller program. anyone got a link, its webpage doesnt work for download
evolve 2003-10-04 10:41 colorpad is a great picker sMs link
Jesterace 2003-10-04 09:56 Guess there are a few more hurricanes coming my way lol I hope they go somewhere of in the Atlantic Ocean :P
owl 2003-10-04 08:27 sMs: i use photoshop & the eyedropper tool. there's probably simpler progs to use.. but hey, ps works :]