

Styles Packs


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2003-10-17 07:19
evolve: we DO need a new style repository..

2003-10-17 03:00
Change the alpha value in blackbox.rc, sMs. If u r using BBLean, choosing transparency is even easier...

2003-10-16 20:23
anyone can tell me how to make toolbar and menu frame transparent?

2003-10-16 20:09
Currently you can only upload a text file of the style, I thought about allowing the wallpaper to be uploaded also but...

2003-10-16 17:38
Hmmm... Interesting, evolve... OK, only text files it is, then... But we do need a styles repository, don't we?

2003-10-16 17:15
Pitkon: I asked something along the lines of that in the and was told you can only upload the actual style files. not zips. and for certains reasons I don't blame them.

2003-10-16 16:47
Now, this may seem silly and probably is... lol.. but i was wondering if i could upload instead of a style file (.txt) a zip file. This way, I could include the style, the wallpaper, and other things that go with a specific style. Is there a byte limit or something? Jesterace, I guess this is for u...

2003-10-16 00:57
Well I think the only difference between Asian versions of Windows and English versions of Windows is the fonts loaded. I have Asian fonts installed on my PC and they display fine just like yours. I thought the cause might be that Blackbox dosen't support unicode textfields. It is just a guess. But then how did simple get his to work? Hmm it is just a mystery that only he or the almighty devs can answer.

2003-10-14 23:32
C_Bass: My first guess is that he has a Korean version of Windows loaded. I just tried putting Kanji in mine and no-go, even tho my editor displayed it OK.

2003-10-14 22:10
How does simple get asian fonts to work in his blackbox config? I would like to be able to display Japanese characters in my menus and sys bar. Any ideas? Thanks!

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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