sMs 2003-10-19 18:13 i m using systembarEX i wanna change the level of transparency of it, how od i do that?
Pitkon 2003-10-19 13:04 sMs: The style files weren't uploaded
sMs 2003-10-19 12:18 penguin heart ios there and evolution too
Pitkon 2003-10-19 12:00 To Tres'ni, Jesterace or any other administrator: I have uploaded both my styles for Evolution and Penguin Heart, but they r not there! What happened?
Tres`ni 2003-10-19 11:57 Pikton: Are you uploading text files or zips? It appears that whatever it is you are uploading isn't working..
NC-17 2003-10-19 09:18 no, i dont mind at all. there is truth in being able to work better when your eyes aren't bleeding!
Pitkon 2003-10-19 05:23 NC-17: Your styles are among the best around, so u don't mind if we use them for a nice desktop, do u? Lol. But I envy u, i wish i was a programmer myself - as for the nice desktop, believe it or not, it helps me to work better on my puter...
NC-17 2003-10-19 04:55 i guess, i just spend more time working with the programs im running rather than staring at a nice desktop... =-)
Pitkon 2003-10-19 03:04 No one does, dubox, no one does... Desktops are art and wharfs played an important role in this art... Ask any great artist/author, from Dangeruss to Treetog...
dubox 2003-10-18 23:13 pitkon: yeah, your right pitkon and i don't forget the stylistic factor on my desk :)