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2003-10-19 05:23
NC-17: Your styles are among the best around, so u don't mind if we use them for a nice desktop, do u? Lol. But I envy u, i wish i was a programmer myself - as for the nice desktop, believe it or not, it helps me to work better on my puter...

2003-10-19 04:55
i guess, i just spend more time working with the programs im running rather than staring at a nice desktop... =-)

2003-10-19 03:04
No one does, dubox, no one does... Desktops are art and wharfs played an important role in this art... Ask any great artist/author, from Dangeruss to Treetog...

2003-10-18 23:13
pitkon: yeah, your right pitkon and i don't forget the stylistic factor on my desk :)

2003-10-18 17:41
NC-17: Yeah, right click menu is possibly about as fast as a wharf, but how many icons can u squeeze in a menu item? About nil and a half, methinks... lol

2003-10-18 17:38
Hey, I just found out that my latest style, Evolution, wasn't uploaded with the screenshot. How can I upload it now?

2003-10-18 17:37
i figure my right click menu is just as easy to launch programs and takes up no screen space...

2003-10-18 17:13
Yes, a bbwharf would be GREAT. It's the easiest way to launch programs - and VERY beautiful, too! Bbdrawer isnt a wharf, not even close. And, NC-17, if this is bb, then we should all throw away bbsystembar, bbicons, bbanalog and bbsysmon, to name a few... lol

2003-10-18 15:08
thanx Tre'ni, i didt it, i m usingg now the bbtrans plugin but i was wodering if there was another way

2003-10-18 14:54
I like BBWharf, would need a BBLSApi too though...

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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