Pitkon 2003-10-20 12:32 Jesterace: What if i copied the text from the style into a comment under each of my styles?
Jesterace 2003-10-20 12:10 we don't have an update feature so I couldn't think of any other way to do it :P
Pitkon 2003-10-20 11:04 Tres'ni: Sorry, didnt see history. I uploaded a text file, like always.
NC-17 2003-10-20 10:50 oldskull, i highly doubt it will be easy to be made compatible with xchat for obvious reasons...
Tres`ni 2003-10-20 10:41 Pitkon: Check the history, I asked you if you uploaded zip or just text files..
oldskull 2003-10-20 09:00 yeah! look like BBwinSkin around the corner :) Thats cool! I still waiting and hope that mortar will make it compitable for X-CHAT too!!! :)
Pitkon 2003-10-20 08:41 Jesterace: Resubmit two screenshots w/ styles? Isn't this silly? Lol
freeb0rn 2003-10-20 08:06 i think i found it... someone needs to protect their directories better.. a certain plugin dev that is...
freeb0rn 2003-10-20 07:58 has bb4winskin been released and have i been completely oblivious to it? If not then where are all these people gettin bb4winskin! I want in dammit!
Jesterace 2003-10-20 07:31 Gee I have a habit of putting the peoples name I'm addressing in the Handle box.