qwilk 2003-09-08 11:00 (that is, I've already fixed it but bb2 is not available yet :P )
qwilk 2003-09-08 10:55 ...the xoblite workspace "bug" will be fixed in bb2, see link
AlmostX 2003-09-06 16:14 wallpaper
AlmostX 2003-09-06 08:20 sMs ..
upload ok..
sMs 2003-09-06 07:02 ey almost u uploaded one blue style two seeks before but didnt work =( can u upload it again?
NC-17 2003-09-05 15:25 API isn't needed, just GetWindowRect :P That's why bbstyle still works on xoblite...
Tres`ni 2003-09-05 14:27 that API isn't supported by xoblite so I doubt it
maaneeack 2003-09-05 10:03 now that qwilk gave in on styling bbbin, maybe he'll add an option like bbstyle to inherit toolbar height...
dubox 2003-09-05 01:05 xc: look at basehead.org :)
qwilk 2003-09-05 00:20 sMs: Thanks! :D