snkmchnb 2003-11-12 16:28 ohh, by the way, new styles by yours truely coming soonish :P
snkmchnb 2003-11-12 16:27 auto: man i wouldn't take it.. i mean, it's not like you said you made the background!
oldskull 2003-11-12 16:22 auto: dont feel down! you are still with us as a family :) keep your work up and left the sad things on your back! only a piece of blah. :)
auto 2003-11-12 16:08 No leave it up, ive left DA anyway and i wont go back out of principal. Makes me feel alot better that you and Jesterace backed me up. I was starting to feel pretty alone there - thanks alot.
Tres`ni 2003-11-12 15:59 On second though (and after looking at the link) I am personally going to get in contact with Saligia and the DA Admins to find out where the hell they are coming from... I hope you don't mind auto, but I will be leaving the image up for the time being. When all this is settled I will take it down if that's what you want (regardless of the outcome)
Tres`ni 2003-11-12 15:47 auto: Will do
auto 2003-11-12 15:33 its been a rough day =/
iridium 2003-11-12 15:31 sms: control panel icons are on .cpl files on your system32 dir..
auto 2003-11-12 10:48 Tres`ni: If you could i need this deleted link
Tres`ni 2003-11-12 10:33 MWAR! Okay, so I'm bored..