Jesterace 2003-11-13 12:03 It's text it's hard to detect sarcasm and jokes unless it is stated. The only thing that people didn't like was being told their styles suck etc... other than that constructive critism is fine.
sMs 2003-11-13 11:14 all u guys took my commentaries seriously, just trying to get ppl talking, anyways, if i hurt ur feelings sorry =P
necroboi 2003-11-13 03:58 geez... i'm away for a few days and all hell breaks loose :p
Pitkon 2003-11-13 03:32 Hey, Tres'ni, since u r bored, how about updating ur bbicons? Icons at large size get distorted, and we'd like support for bmp and png files... Thanx! (Keeping fingers crossed...)
Jesterace 2003-11-12 18:56 I knew you didn't violate anything so I didn't bother deleting the screenie :)
Tres`ni 2003-11-12 18:35 auto: np :) I knew you had done nothing wrong, and I wasn't going to let that happen :-)
auto 2003-11-12 18:21 Man Tres`ni im speechless, thanks alot for going to bat for me i wont forget it. Still wont go back to DA though ;]
Tres`ni 2003-11-12 18:11 auto: You are in the clear :D
auto 2003-11-12 18:09 Thanks for the words of encouragment guys, i sure feel better then i did this morning.
evolve 2003-11-12 16:42 Saligia is wrong in what she did,your not packaging and distro'ing it
nor taking credit for it and Jark and the others are fully misguided in the action they took it's only a Desktop ss and Stuff like that happens on DA all the time.