jeff 2003-11-14 12:31 just interested =/
jeff 2003-11-14 12:31 moshi:
what screenshots every five minutes?
merry 2003-11-14 11:46
And also, why do u have to create another nickname? if ur intensions were for real, u wouldn't create another nickname, u would say a reason, u don't deserve to write here.
merry 2003-11-14 11:45 I'll vote for a ban too, he always have the help from everyone here, he is one of the most helped. I dont think that's fair. sMs if u think that some screenies sucks, thats not the way to say it, why dont u say a reason? or maybe u r just jealous of everyone here because u can't do sth like that? i see ur screenies and most of them r really awful (in my opinion) but i didnt say aything cause i really don't care, it's ur awful style :(
sMs 2003-11-14 11:44 everybody knos sMs= El'Criticon DUH! anyways i ll be quite now, cuz u wont stop =)
cthu1hu 2003-11-14 11:08 ahahah
Pitkon 2003-11-14 06:15 moshi: U r quite right - sieMens - sMs; very clever. sMs: U should be ashamed of urself, after all the help u got from everyone of us at this site...
moshi 2003-11-14 03:19 i?ll vote for a ban. first spamming the site with screenshots every 5 minutes (under different screen handles) and then that :D
moshi 2003-11-14 03:17 lol. check El'Criticon?s screenshot and you?ll notice he?s sMs.
Jesterace 2003-11-13 20:40 Not everyone releases a style when they upload a screenie since their screenshot maynot be their own work