freeb0rn 2003-11-16 12:39 re-upload the whole thing.
kizioR 2003-11-16 09:24 AlmostX: thx for the link! :-)
Pitkon 2003-11-16 05:09 Tres'ni: Thanx, I don't have a site either at the moment... BTW, did u have any chance to work on bbicons? (Crosses fingers, again...)
Inauro 2003-11-16 02:27 Quick question. If i wanted to upload the style file for an already uploaded screenshot, can i do that? Or is it just simpler to re-upload the whole thing including the style?
necroboi 2003-11-15 21:32 Tres`ni: thanks.. i don't have a site at the moment, but maybe soon... btw that button you made for auto turned out well :)
onscreen 2003-11-15 20:48 woo! at least the i have a place for *box resource !! :P
Tres`ni 2003-11-15 19:02 Pikton, necroboi, Ar4mis and anyone else who's submitted styles: If you have a site and want a link, leave me your URL :)
AlmostX 2003-11-15 16:13 kizioR..
Tres`ni 2003-11-15 13:23 Holy Caca! 10 Screenshots waiting approval.. /me pleas for someone else to help admin :-P
oldskull 2003-11-15 03:14 Stupid me, the colorpacks style was missing 1 style. Thanks Mortar to tell me about this. Please download back.