deciding 2003-11-06 19:51 um. crap. i guess i'm not smart enough for the chatbox. :)
deciding 2003-11-06 19:49 link my blackbox site. i haven't put up all of my styles yet...and more are on the way, but there's the link anyway. enjoy.
necroboi 2003-11-04 15:38 k, thx for the notice :)
Jesterace 2003-11-04 15:27 necroboi please reupload there's a little glitch in the approval process :P
auto 2003-11-04 12:49 Thanks, I just dont like to clog things up with similar ss's ;]
Jesterace 2003-11-04 11:25 hehe :P reposting is alright also :P
Tres`ni 2003-11-04 11:24 Or listen to Jesterace :-P
Tres`ni 2003-11-04 11:23 auto: Just repost, we won't shoot ya :-P
Jesterace 2003-11-04 11:23 ok Done!
auto 2003-11-04 09:52 Jesterace: if you could would you delete my latest ss, id like to post a updated version, thanks.