qwilk 2003-12-31 17:03 Thanks for a great 2003 - Happy new year 2004 everyone! :D
evolve 2003-12-31 14:50 Happy 2004 everyone! ..also make's one year of me using bb = D
El`Critic 2003-12-31 14:23 here 8 horus before 2k4, happy new year to all
dubox 2003-12-31 10:41 thanx, pitkon. i still have 6 hrs. also a great new 2004, everyone...!
Pitkon 2003-12-31 10:31 It's just about 4 hrs before midnight over here, so, before I go out and party, HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!
oldskull 2003-12-30 08:49 SPYDER: already tried bb4win nightly?
Pitkon 2003-12-30 06:51 SPYDR: Thanx! The memory lag can't be Blackbox' fault, it's one of the lightest shells around.
SPYDR 2003-12-30 06:03 What kind of memory allocation does this use? I'm experiencing some serious lag! Thanx!
SPYDR 2003-12-30 05:53 I'm getting the hang of this! The more I understand it, the better I'm loving it! Props to all involved in the developement!
SPYDR 2003-12-30 05:29 Pitkon: I love your styles!