Pitkon 2004-01-14 01:26 Wildtech: I have run bb4w, bblc/bblean, and xoblite for about 20 months now, mostly under XP Pro. They all work(ed) like a dream :)
Pitkon 2004-01-14 01:25 Geth: I've been running bbicons under BBLean 1.1 (test builds and official release) for months now. No problems whatsoever.
evolve 2004-01-14 00:32 wildtech: it sure does running it on xp myself.
wildtech 2004-01-13 20:09 hey black box run good on xp sys's?
Gethsejeveon 2004-01-13 15:49 Nevermind. |=-)
Gethsejeveon 2004-01-13 15:36 So, has anyone got bbicons to work in bblean 1.10? Just curious.
Pitkon 2004-01-13 09:44 sicle9: He solved it... lol
sicle9 2004-01-13 08:56 Pitkon: i think he means "set" as in setting the background
ToastSYN 2004-01-13 08:45 lol dont worry about it I solved it
Pitkon 2004-01-13 08:10 But he talks about a "set", Fatman...