sMs 2004-01-20 16:14 =P
Tres`ni 2004-01-20 14:59 Language!
sMs 2004-01-20 14:35 what the fuck is quissential player mmmm i want a playlist or just title song display
snkmchnb 2004-01-20 14:26 freeb0rn: i would like that as well... would like it to support quissential player
freeb0rn 2004-01-20 11:30 how about an updated multiamp instead? :) or source-release?
frantic 2004-01-20 04:04 I can't say much more than qwilk had said, but I can tell you the new features really are cool (:
multifate 2004-01-19 23:19 what are the features! for xob bb2 that is
auto 2004-01-19 21:27 qwilk: you are tempting me to install windows on one of my machines ;]
Mystoz 2004-01-19 12:40 xoblite bb2 wee cant wait iam sure its going to kick ass...:)
sMs 2004-01-19 07:36 is xoblite bb2 gonna be released really soon? like here 2 weeks? if not, can we have little previews? =)