freeb0rn 2004-01-20 11:30 how about an updated multiamp instead? :) or source-release?
frantic 2004-01-20 04:04 I can't say much more than qwilk had said, but I can tell you the new features really are cool (:
multifate 2004-01-19 23:19 what are the features! for xob bb2 that is
auto 2004-01-19 21:27 qwilk: you are tempting me to install windows on one of my machines ;]
Mystoz 2004-01-19 12:40 xoblite bb2 wee cant wait iam sure its going to kick ass...:)
sMs 2004-01-19 07:36 is xoblite bb2 gonna be released really soon? like here 2 weeks? if not, can we have little previews? =)
Gethsejeveon 2004-01-19 01:32 Well to make sure qwilk, you are going to have to let me test it. Without my valued assistance, xoblite bb2 might instantly blow up people's computers and cause them to--in turn--have psychokinetic Carrie-like powers, and, well. . .I'll take one for the team. Remember qwilk, with great power comes great responsibility. . .(bed time for gethee *snore*)
qwilk 2004-01-19 01:21 ...xoblite bb2 is under development, and as far as I know it will be pretty cool ;)
Gethsejeveon 2004-01-19 01:14 333 styles. Good idea+job.
Tres`ni 2004-01-18 17:53 Not to my knowledge, last I heard qwilk was still workin on bb2