sMs 2004-01-22 08:56 well forget playlist, but what about display song titles? isit hard? and about playlist maybe just make ppl use foobar with his blackbox to be able to use playlist
freeb0rn 2004-01-22 08:21 i really want multiamp to be able to dsiplay song titles. i don't see how that is any different beyond its current 'function' really, beyond that it displays some info. i don't want it as a playlist tho. It could be added as a line under or next to or above the controls, and styled etc. It'd be even COOLER if there was an option that on MouseOut it would show the song title and on MouseOVer it would show the player controls. I know it was once impossible to grab the songname etc from foobar but alot has changed and i think i read something about how it got implemented closely to how winamp does it... sooo... pweeeez!
Pitkon 2004-01-22 03:31 I think the only thing missing from multiamp is the ability to fit in the slit...
NC-17 2004-01-22 02:50 i guess if the fb2k guys changed their implementation, you would have to as well qwilk :)
qwilk 2004-01-22 01:47 Please note that multiamp was/is intended to be a controller for different media players. Adding e.g. playlists would require entirely different implementations for each player, making the plugin into a bloated monster. Bottom line, (and as I have said all along) such functionality belongs in a separate plugin. When there is nothing to gain by integrating the two, it is better to maintain the modular approach of the shell.
multifate 2004-01-21 21:49 i dont seem to have that problem sMs
sMs 2004-01-21 20:05 i didnt know multiamp had volumen buttons =x
sMs 2004-01-21 19:52 sure i use foobar2000 but i meant by playlist, a playlist that could be styled like the buttons (multiamp) mmm with multiamp i can not open my foobar =x and whe button is pressed the signal (like play, stop, forward,etc) doesnt change the color even when in my style says that i changed to another color
qwilk 2004-01-21 17:00 multifate: They used to work, until the foobar devs changed their implementation :P
multifate 2004-01-21 16:34 qwilk: volume buttons still doesn't work for foobar ;p *hint hint*